Exploring Migration to Australia without a Skilled Occupation

Every day, numerous individuals express their desire to migrate to Australia, but many encounter obstacles due to their occupations. Australia’s Skilled Migration Program typically requires applicants to have a skilled occupation.

However, some individuals lack a skilled occupation in their home country, while others lack relevant work experience. Additionally, some clients possess a skilled occupation, but it may not be in high demand according to the Australian government’s list.

The question arises: Is it still possible to immigrate to Australia without a skilled occupation or one in demand?

The answer is yes! This article delves into the possibilities and pathways for individuals falling into these two profiles:

1.    No Academic Qualification/Work Experience: For individuals lacking academic qualifications or work experience, Australia still offers avenues for migration. Programs such as family visas, student visas leading to permanent residency, or employer-sponsored visas may be viable options. Additionally, individuals can explore entrepreneurship or investment pathways to establish themselves in Australia.

2.    Occupation Not on High-Demand List: Even if an individual’s occupation is not listed as high-demand, there are alternative pathways available. Depending on individual circumstances, pathways such as state sponsorship, regional visas, or skilled independent visas may offer opportunities for migration. Additionally, individuals can consider upskilling or obtaining relevant certifications to enhance their prospects.

Navigating the complexities of Australian migration without a skilled occupation requires careful consideration and exploration of available pathways. By understanding the possibilities and seeking professional guidance, individuals can embark on their journey to migrate to Australia and start anew.

Choosing the Ideal Occupation for Migration to Australia

When contemplating a career change with the goal of migrating to Australia, it’s essential to select an occupation aligned with your interests and long-term aspirations, rather than solely focusing on visa or immigration requirements. Opting for a profession that resonates with your passion and goals ensures a strategic approach to your visa and immigration journey, fostering professional growth and fulfillment in Australia.

Regardless of whether your chosen profession appears on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) or the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), prioritizing alignment with your personal and professional aspirations is paramount. However, occupations listed on the MLTSSL offer additional advantages, providing various visa options through points-tested programs such as Subclasses 189, 190, and 491.

Selecting a profession from the MLTSSL may also open doors to employer sponsorship opportunities. By securing a temporary sponsorship 482 visa and gaining 2 to 3 years of work experience with the employer, you may become eligible for the permanent 186 Visa, further solidifying your residency status in Australia.

Even if your desired field falls under the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), avenues for pursuing permanent residency exist. However, a strategic approach is crucial, particularly regarding the regions where you choose to study and reside. Occupations on the STSOL often require a focus on regional areas, outside major cities like Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne.

Living in regional areas may qualify you for Subclasses 190 and 491 visas, as well as regional sponsorship visas like the 494 or temporary sponsorship 482. By strategically aligning your career goals with regional opportunities, you can optimize your chances of successfully navigating the migration process and establishing yourself in Australia for the long term.

Selecting the Optimal Course for Migration to Australia

Once you’ve determined the skilled occupation you aim to pursue, the next step is to identify the appropriate course and qualification level required to become qualified in Australia.

Certain occupations mandate a minimum qualification equivalent to a bachelor’s degree, while others, particularly in professional or technical fields, necessitate specific qualifications such as Certificate III, Certificate IV, or diplomas in the relevant area.

The subsequent phase involves pinpointing institutions and universities offering courses aligned with your chosen occupation, while also considering budgetary constraints. At Bravo Migration, we conduct thorough case analyses tailored to your individual needs and resources to guide you through this process effectively.

For instance, suppose we determine together that your aspiration is to become a Chef. A strategic approach might involve pursuing a two-year course comprising Certificate III and IV in Commercial Cookery, along with a Diploma in Hospitality.

Upon completing these courses, acquiring at least one additional year of experience is crucial for obtaining professional recognition through skills assessment.

Securing Work Experience in Australia:

Many individuals wonder about the visa required after completing two years of study to gain work permission and acquire professional experience, often referred to as a “work permit.”

The optimal visa solution in this scenario is the 485 or Graduate Visa, granting you the opportunity to remain in Australia for 2 to 4 years with full-time work authorization. This enables you to accumulate the requisite professional experience, a vital requirement for applying under the points-based system for permanent residency.

Sponsorship Opportunities for Migration to Australia

Beyond preparing for a Skilled Visa application in the coming years, it’s advantageous to explore sponsorship visa opportunities once you’ve acquired qualifications in a skilled occupation.

Many Australian companies, due to the demand for certain careers, opt to offer Work Visas to their employees, potentially leading to permanent residency after 2 or 3 years. Two primary pathways exist:

1.    482 Visa: This temporary sponsorship visa, upon three years of employment with the same employer, enables you to apply for the permanent 186 Visa, provided your occupation is listed on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL).

2.    494 Visa: A temporary regional visa leading to permanent residency, even for occupations on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), via the 191 pathway after 2 years of work.

The Optimal Migration Strategy Without a Skilled Occupation

For individuals whose occupations back home are not listed on the Skilled Lists or obtaining professional recognition poses challenges, a career change and the pathways outlined above offer promising options in most cases.

Several factors, including age, play a pivotal role in devising a realistic strategy at Bravo Migration. For instance, individuals over 40 pursuing occupations requiring a bachelor’s degree and significant work experience may face time constraints in accumulating the necessary points for migration.

Hence, collaborating with an experienced Migration Agent is crucial for crafting a tailored strategy that aligns with your goals and circumstances. At Bravo Migration, we offer integrated advice and assistance, working in tandem with our Study Division to ensure you embark on your migration journey with confidence, knowing you’re on the right path.

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